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Meeting Review

Thank you very much to everyone who came to Monday's meeting, particularly the new members! A few reminders and points from the meeting (and a couple not discussed):

* SUGGESTIONS: In addition to the online suggestion box on the website (see the Suggestion Box), we now have a physical suggestion box, courtesy of the amazing Elise, that will be open for anonymous -- or non-anonymous! -- suggestions throughout every meeting! Feel free to send in your ideas on future projects or other feedback, and they will be carefully considered (and possibly implicated) during officers meetings.

* T-SHIRTS: If you have not yet purchased your EcoClub T-shirt, I highly encourage you to do so soon so you can flaunt your EcoClub spirit (particularly at events)! Just bring $19 down to the finance window and say that it is for an EcoClub shirt, then pick up your shirt during one of the weekly meetings. =)

* BEACH CLEAN-UP: Our next beach clean-up will be this Saturday, September 20th, from 8:30 to 10:30 in Moonlight Beach! If you are interested in carpooling with other EcoClub members, sign up here.

* RECYCLING: We will be doing recycling again this Friday afternoon! Please meet after school next to the C building stairs if you can help out.

* MEMBER CONTACT SHEET: To help EcoClub members keep in contact with one another, we have created a member contact sheet available here (you must be signed in to access). If you have not already, please write down whatever contact information you are interested in sharing. Don't worry, though; only other EcoClub members will be able to access your information! Let me know if you have trouble accessing the spreadsheet.

* PEOPLE'S CLIMATE MARCH: If you can attend, PLEASE go to the People's Climate March this Sunday from 12:30 to 4 p.m. to demand climate action by our government! The march will begin at San Diego City Hall; see here for more details. This is a critical and national movement, and it is crucial that as many people as possible go!

* LEXUS ECO CHALLENGE: At the meeting, we proposed and began brainstorming for the Lexus Eco Challenge. Essentially, this challenge involves identifying an environmental issue in our community and then coming up with and enacting an action plan to adress the issue. It is a great opportunity not only to have a significant impact on the wellbeing of the environment in our community and beyond, but also a chance to earn some money for our future projects! We will be discussing the challenge at greater length at next week's meeting, so feel free to start thinking of some more ideas in the meantime. =)

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