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Weekly Meeting Review

On Monday we had our first EcoClub meeting of the school year! Thank you very much to all attendees and contributors! In addition to reviewing our proposed Daily Bulletin slides for both weekly meetings and the EcoTip of the week (both beautifully created by our lovely Secretary and Co-Director of Communication Samantha Hartogs), we discussed our plans for the year. As of now, our primary projects include

  • RECYCLING: Continuing to head the recycling system at CCA and collaborating with other groups (including PALs, the NEST, the custodians, and the district) to improve the efficiency and organization of the system

  • E-WASTE: Holding regular E-waste drives at school approximately once every two months (beginning in October)

  • RRFM: Holding regular Really Really Free Market events at school approximately once every two months (beginning in November)

  • PLASTIC BAG BAN: Supporting the plastic bag bans currently being considered in both San Diego and California legislature through research, petitions, and direct contact (phone, email, written) with associated politicians

  • REUSABLE BOTTLE CAMPAIGN: Publicizing the importance of electing to use reusable rather than single-use water bottles among both students and employees

  • SUCCULENT / NATIVE PLANT GARDEN: Completing the succulent and native plant garden begun the previous year (set for the dirt plot adjacent to the C building)

  • SCHOOL-WIDE RECYCLED PAPER CAMPAIGN: Finding and instituting an economically feasible way for CCA to switch to the use of recycled paper

  • COMMUNITY CLEAN-UPS: Conducting club clean-ups of nearby community areas (such as beaches)

These are in addition to many other club activities planned for the year, including club hikes, visiting Ms. Slijk's ranch, and more! If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to contribute them using the online suggestion box! Additionally, we will be doing recycling again this Friday; if you would like to help out, please meet next to the C building stairs after school! I hope to see you then!

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